Tag Archives: QSL

Inward QSL cards received



Today, the Waverley Amateur Radio Society received its first batch of QSL cards since 2009!  This is the 1 kg stack of cards, 8 cm high of incoming QSL cards for VK2BV and VI2BV90, some of which date back to 1999!

The tragic loss of our former QSL manager Lynn VK2FLTJ (SK) meant that this aspect of club activities has been largely neglected for a number of years, but this has now changed, and we will ensure the club stays on top of our QSLs in the future.  We will even ensure that the 1999 inward QSLs are replied to before the 20 year mark!

The club’s log keeper Tony VK2KZ and QSL manager Ed VK2VEL have been working towards getting both the club’s logs and QSLs sorted into proper order.  Sadly, most of the logs and QSL cards from 1922 to 1988, such vital aspects of a radio club’s history, are probably lost forever.

Apart from a few treasured logs from the 1920s to 1970s, most of the club’s logs date from 1988 with sporadic loggings until a sharp increase in logging activity from 2008.  This reflects the rise in club membership and general activity with the arrival of new operators into the hobby via the Foundation license, and the club hasn’t looked back since.

A quick scan of the logs shows that 2009, the club’s 90th anniversary year, was probably the peak year of activity.  This was the year of the special event callsign VI2BV90, entry into multiple contests, and the year of ‘three lighthouses in one weekend’ during the International Lighthouse and Lightships Weekend, when the club activated Hornby Light (AU0041), Endeavour Light (AU0052) and our traditional activation of Macquarie Light (AU0022).

To ensure that the clubs logs and QSLs are never lost again as the club moves towards its 100th anniversary in 2019, in addition to recording the traditional paper QSLs, the  club’s logs are now uploaded into the ARRL Logbook of the World, eQSL, Clublog and QRZ.com.  The club now has multiple, searchable online logging systems for the service of the hobby, and is also now participating in a number of operating award programmes.  A report on the club’s progress in these award programmes and some more statistics will be made when we have caught up with the sorting out the logs and QSLs.

Members who activate the VK2BV callsign are reminded that they should send their logs are sent to Tony VK2KZ for recording and processing.

Members who want to know more about QSLing, either paper or electronic, award programmes and using the QSL bureau can contact Ed VK2VEL.