We have been Awarded FIRST PLACE in AUSTRALIA in our category in the 2023 Oceania DX Contest.
Waverley Amateur Radio Society members of WICEN NSW attended the VRA Rescue NSW Region 6 award ceremony on 10/12/22 where they were presented with VRA Long Service Medals and the National Emergency Medal with Bushfires 2019-20 clasp.
Unable to attend were WARS members Ros VK2FROS, Raffy VK2RF and John VK2LJ. A special congratulations to Eric VK2VE for being awarded the 45 year clasp to the VRA Long Service Medal.

We were awarded first place in the Australian Section of the 2022 Oceania DX Phone & CW Contests in the Multi-Multi Category!
WARS held a successful Radio Contest event for the Trans-Tasman Contest on 16/17 July 2022. We came second in our category!
Ferry Contest Awards 2022
WARS Comes 1st in Australia in the 2019 & 2018 CQ WW DX SSB Contest!
WARS wins 2018 John Moyle Field Day Category (again!)

Past Event-Remembrance Day Contest 11&12th August 2018
International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend 17-18 August 2019.
WARS has been activating the Macquarie Light for the past 15 years during this annual event.
Team VK2BV won the AU Multi-Multi section of CQ WW-DX-SSB in 2017! Congratulations!!!!

Team VK2BV operated in the 2018 John Moyle Field Day and won it’s category AGAIN!
VK2BV – Multi Operator All Mode, All Bands, with 116 contacts and a score of 432 points.
Check out some of the action here John Moyle Photos and read up on the contest and scores at the WIA web site page John Moyle Contest

CQ WW SSB – 27th TO 30th October, 2018: Members of WARS were operating from the Southern Highlands.
We also received two IARU Worked All Continents Awards