Waverley Amateur Radio Society
Auction Instructions
Following are the instructions for the WARS Auction:
All items for auction are to have two labels attached to them. One label to be firmly attached and the other easily removed. The first one remains with the item whilst the second is removed by the auctioneer and handed to the clerk.
Each label is to have the following information:
Number of Seller
Name of Seller
Description of Item being offered for sale
Reserve price. (If there is no reserve marked then it will be assumed to have no reserve).
Click here for a SAMPLE FORM in MS Word format
Any item without the correct labeling may be rejected and not put up for auction.
The Club will take a commission on all sales as follows:
Any item selling for up to $100.00 – 10%
Any item selling for over $100.00 – $10.00
Each seller must register with the Auction Clerk and obtain a Vendor number. This same number may also be used if the seller wishes to purchase an item during the auction. Forms will be available for registration purposes.
Please fill one out and take it to the clerk to register
Buyers may also register if they wish to “settle up” at the conclusion of the auction. Otherwise they must pay cash at the time the item is knocked down to them.
We can only accept Cash or Cheque (subject to the prior approval of the cashier). Sorry, we don’t have credit card facilities. There is an ATM in the foyer of the RSL club next door.
Registered Buyers and Sellers will be issued with a card with their number. If an item is knocked down to them, they should hold up the card so that the clerk can read it so that they can be registered as the buyer of the item. Please return this card to the Clerk at the end of the auction or when you leave.
During the Auction, we request that everyone except the runners remain seated so that the auctioneer can see where bids are coming from.
Each item will be picked up and bought up to the auctioneer by a runner. When the item is knocked down, the runner will deliver it to the buyer and, if the buyer is paying cash, collect the cash and take it to the cashier and return any change to the buyer. If the buyer is paying “on account” (s)he will hold up the number until the clerk acknowledges that he has recorded it.
If the item does not reach it’s reserve price, it will be passed in and returned for the seller to collect after the auction. If an item does not reach it’s reserve, the seller may indicate to the auctioneer his/her willingness to sell it at the reduced price. This will supercede the reserve written on the item.
The Waverley Amateur radio Society Inc takes no responsibility for the security of equipment brought along for the auction.
The responsibility for security will rest with the Vendor prior to the Auction and with the Buyer once the item is sold.
If the item is not sold, it remains the responsibility of the Vendor.
Unfortunately we have had a couple of incidents where equipment, or parts of equipment, have been removed either before, during or after the auction and we feel it is therefore necessary to warn all Vendors and Buyers. It is unfortunate and we regret having to take this stand, however, we feel that it is necessary.
Waverley Amateur Radio Society Inc.
Auction Registration Form
Below is the form to be filled in and handed to the clerk to register as either a Seller or Buyer (or both). Please fill it in, sign it and hand it to the clerk who will then allocate you a number. Normally, if you have been to our Auction before, you will be issued with the same number you previously had
First Name: …………………… Last Name: …………………….…………… Callsign: ……………….
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Suburb: ………………………………….. Postcode: …………
Phone Home: ……………………. Work: ……………………….. Mobile: …………………………….
E-mail address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Seller Buyer Both (Please circle one)
I have read and understood the foregoing instructions and agree to abide by them and any reasonable
requests of the auction officials.
Signature: …………………………………………………………. Date: ………./………./ 200….