Past Events

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July 17 2024 19:00– ARPANSA –Australian Radiation Protection and Safety especially as applicable to Radio Amateurs and their licence obligations-

RF Filters Workshop -1st June 2024

A Fascinating Presentation by Andrew VK2GCO on “SATELLITES & ORBITS “ on 15 May 24: (93 minutes & 1.59 GB)


Feb 2024 (42 Minutes 1 GB)

3 Dec 22 :Our recent SMD Soldering Workshop @Rose Bay  RSL was well attended and all participants learned new skills.

3 June 23: Attendees at our 3D printing Beginners Workshop learnt some valuable insights and practical skills.

We had a ball operating our Contest Station as VK2W in the CQ WW DX CW contest from Robertson, NSW.  from 1100 on November 26 to 1100 on November 28, 2022 .

3 May 23 :Many members Enjoyed hands on learning about the effect changing element spacing on a homebrew 70 cm Yagi antenna had on Impedance, SWR and field strength.

On 5 April 2023 we held a very successful Digital Signal Processing Workshop using Raspberry Pi Single Board Computers. Notes are HERE

FEEDBACK REQUEST: We proposed having a program of topics for  the Monthly Project  Days in 2023. We asked our members their feedback about interest in attending.  Click HERE to see the topics

Australia's oldest continuously licenced amateur radio club


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