The Restoration of Valved HF Communications Receivers

An e-book by Chris Parry, BSc, G8JFJ


Chris Parry has been an enthusiastic collector and restorer of valve radios of all types for many years, and has worked for UK companies that manufactured communications receivers. He is keen to pass on some of his experience to others wishing to restore complex valve radios and so has written copious notes on all aspects of the topic in an e-book format. Much of the material is, of course, relevant to restoring any type of radio.

He wants the book to be freely available to anyone interested so that as much equipment as possible can be retained in good working order for the future.

You may download the book from this site on the condition that it is not sold or used for commercial purposes, not posted on another web site, is not altered and if extracts are published, due acknowledgement of the author is made. Because this book is updated from time to time, anyone feeling it to be useful is welcome to post a link to this site so that the latest version is always accessed.

Chris welcomes suggestions and comments about the book and enjoys helping fellow enthusiasts. He can be contacted by phone or through the email address below.

The Book

The book contains 120 pages of text and is in three formats, PDF for computer use, MOBI for Kindle and EPUB for other e-book readers. It may be updated from time to time.

Over 140 photographs cross referenced to points in the book are available in the Photo Gallery, where the number of the photo corresponds to the same number in the text

Full descriptions of each photo are also listed in the book’s table of contents. The photos are not accessible from E-readers unless they have normal internet access. It is impractical to include these in the book itself as they are of high definition and in any case readers are only likely to want to view those relating to a current project.

Direct links in the text were considered but it was felt that the maintenance would be fairly time consuming due to regular updates when no charge is made for the book.

The main sections of the book cover (Download it HERE)

  • Introduction
  • Chassis and Mechanics
  • Switches, Turrets and Coil Packs
  • Wound Components and Wiring
  • Thermionic and other Active Components
  • Passive Components
  • Fault finding and Realignment
  • Permeability Tuned Radios
  • Performance Benchmarks
  • EMC Considerations
  • Details of numerous interesting radios
  • Linked photo gallery (see above)

Creative Commons License It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Publication History
08/07/2005 – First edition – 91 pages
21/09/2011 – Second edition – 121 pages
20/03/2012 – Third edition – 119 pages
05/01/2014 – Third edition updated

Contact Chris Parry

  Phone   Email
  Home   +44-(0)2392-596836  
  Mobile +44-(0)7726-625117

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