A short introduction
Presentation given to members of the Waverley Amateur Radio Society 19th July 2023

See page 45 of the September Amateur Radio magazine for a great review of the club Power Pole kit.
See http://www.wia.org.au/members/armag/2016/september/ for more information
There is a new WICEN sponsored 70cm DMR repeater on air connected to the global DMARC system. The current QTH is Dural (but not ARNSW). Callsign is VK2RRW
To program your radio:
RX 438.1000 / TX 433.100
Color Code 1
The same Talk Groups (TG) and Time Slot (TS) allocations as VK2RCG with the exception that TG5 is now on TS1
The St George Amateur Radio Society annual 80 metre contest will be held this Saturday evening, 30th July 2016 from 6 PM to Midnight local time. This is a friendly contest for all licence holders, using phone (voice) CW or digital, in six blocks of one hour each.
Power levels and emission modes as per your individual licence class. Points allocated on distance basis. Additional points available for contacts by and with foundation licence holders. Seven different awards available for those who submit a contest log.
No multi or assisted operators permitted. Contestants can operate from home, portable or mobile. Logs can be either electronic ADIF or paper. While this contest is not in the list, VK CL can be used in the personal log mode.
For more information and the complete contest rules visit our web site www.sgars.org
Just released by Peter VK3TE is the latest DMR information for VK.
April 18th – 28th, 2016 – IQ4FE – Special commemorative QSL
From April 18th to 28th, 3016, A.R.I. Fidenza will be On the Air on HF bands with the callsign
IQ4FE, to commemorate the World War II event “Fornovo’ s sack battle” occurred near Parma –
Italy end April 1945 with the contribution of the brazilian forces supporting the allied troups :
“Força Expedicionária Brasileira” (FEB).
Special commemorative QSL via bureau to IQ4FE, for further information see :
www.arifidenza.it and IQ4FE at www.qrz.com .
Best regards and 73’s de
Cristiano Cornini , IW4CLV
A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club